BO6 feels streakless
During matches, even when I win, and I mean WIN, which is pretty often, since I've actually been doing great during BO6's life cycle so far, since I'm improving, but....this game feels like it has a massive streak problem.
And no, streaks aren't too OP...there are barely any throughout matches or any streak variety.
It's either the same few lower end streaks, like UAV, Counter UAV, or Attack Helicopter, IF someone gets lucky, and...matches feel VERY boring because of it.
I usually get a pretty good KD ratio in most matches, but I never really get any high streaks, nor does anybody else, makes matches and the thrill of playing die down REALLY quick.
Rarely ever seeing streaks has reminded me how much flavor they add into the game, and without god, does the fun die quick, despite doing well.
It may be because everyone is running around and maps are smaller, but....then that's a major design flaw.
Maybe that's why bad maps are ultimately bad. Everyone is either camping for streaks, which is just unfun for everyone, or everyone is running around dying too fast, and not getting streaks, causes BO6 to feel less unique, and like every other shooter, AND have less flavor.
Idk. Maps pre-BO6, despite issues I had with the games overall before this one, at least allowed for some breathing room and people to get streaks in fun ways. It all feels like a 5 minute cluster scramble, with low tier, same thing every match type matches, and it's....boring.
Despite how fun the movement can be, it's actually made me miss the pace/maps of games like MW2019. At least those maps allowed for some good pacing and people to be able to get streaks to make the matches feel unique and flavorful.
Or hell, maybe maps aren't the problem, but something is (I personally feel maps do play a big role though). Streaks add so much to matches, and without them....anh. They're sub par. Fun, but only for so long.
Disclaimer: Maybe this is a ME thing, but I greatly notice a significant lack of streaks and variety of streaks in matches, when compared to previous games, and to be blunt....that sucks.
PS. and I'll likely make a full post on this, but there's now a bug where you can't edit classes in matches....good ole game with potential, squandered by BS.