SIBO and starting GLP-1?

TL;DR - I believe I have hydrogen SIBO and have a 6 month kit of Hers compounded semaglutide GLP-1 meds to start. Is this wise?

BACKGROUND: After all stool tests came back negative and having been on multiple rounds of antibiotics for a different food poisoning related infection, I now believe I have hydrogen SIBO with varying types and amounts of urgent diarrhea. The only things that have helped me temporarily are activated charcoal and gas-x.

As soon as I finally fly back to DC/MD next week I'm going to try to get into a gastro as soon as possible (I've been stuck in Arkansas visiting my parents since Christmas not able to travel bc of the diarrhea). I'll just fast and load up on Imodium, even though the rebound effects from Imodium are horrible.

Has anyone with this condition tried using GLP-1 medication for weight loss? I'm 153 and want to get down to at least 125-130. It seems like the fact that it usually causes some type of constipation may be "useful" in my situation.

Looking for any thoughts, stories or studies of your own you think might help me decide what to do! Thanks so much ahead of time!