You Control USA through History (1792)

The election is here! It's Hamilton VS Jefferson! (to decide election turnout every comment must choose a person, whoever has the most votes will win)

Washington last editions to the USA before leaving his position are the purchasing of Haiti from France, adding the Haiti Territory to the union, and giving the Southwest Territory statehood under the name Tennessee, making it the 15th state.

The militias are making great work in Canada, capturing major cities and forts. As well as spark Quebec rebellions who have agreed to help us against the British, with the promise of autonomy and possibly independence... (not really, we are lying)

The USA agrees to Spain's treaty, leading to the creation of the Alabama Territory. What to do with this territory though? Add it to the large state of Georgia, or keep it as is?

Ohioans are extremely anger at the addition of Tennessee to the union as a state, they believe Ohio should have been the 15th state. They are offered to rejoin the Northwest Territory for sooner statehood possibly, but they refuse.

Current President: George Washington

Current Vice President: John Adams

Capital: Philidelphia

-Current Issues-

War with Britian

Ohioan Cries for statehood

Election of 1792: Hamilton VS Jefferson

What to do with Alabama Territory

Economic Issues and Debt