Will the 30th Anniversary actually cause price increases?

I think it is interesting to note that the last 2 anniversaries have been during times of Pokemon history where the anniversary alone did not cause the hype.

2016 - Generations released along side the hype of Pokemon Go

2021 - Celebrations release along side the hype of COVID/collectibles & Logan Paul

While mass advertising and what not may cause more people to come into the hobby - Are they truly going to do a full cycle of returning to the hobby, investing in the 30th anniversary set AND buy into older products? I have a feeling that the ceiling for these crazy price hikes isn't to far away.

Final take away - I think it's silly to say "Hold until 30th and sell" as if we know that all modern will be gold by then. If nothing else happens during the 30th for collectibles it very well may just be short lived hype for whatever comes out during that time & we just continue holding.