Does your employer know you have a monetized YT channel?

Today when I was making small talk with someone they asked what I do for work, and I told them about my full-time 9-5 job outside of YouTube, and then I told them I have a side hustle where I make YouTube videos and I’m monetized with affiliate deals. They asked me if my 9-5 job is okay with me having another job. I guess I had never really thought of it that way as my 9-5 and YT are two completed unrelated topics. The person I was talking to told me that at their 9-5 they have to disclose if they are making a secondary income over $2500 per year to crack down on remote work over employment. I was a little shocked by that.

It made me curious those of you that also have 9-5 jobs outside of your YT, has your employer ever given grief about your YT channel? Do they know?