Question about how much of a performance difference I'll notice between these PVS14's

I'm about to pull the trigger on a PVS14 from Nighthawk Vision Systems. I've been doing a lot of research and I'm about to finally purchase, but I'm not sure exactly what unit to buy. I read the FAQ on this subreddit and have been looking into SNR, RES, EBI, and Halo. My question is this:

How much of a difference will I notice between say an SNR of 27 and 30? or a RES of 64 a and 72. For example they have 4 tiers of PVS-14 Elbit Gen 3 WP available. The 1st tier starts at $2,995, second at #3,195, 3rd $3,395, 4th at $3,545.

The best looking to my newbie eye tier 2 unit is SNR 30, RES 64, EBI 1.07, Halo .96 LG67340, FOM 1920.

Best looking (again to my newbie eye) tier 3 unit is SNR 29, RES 72, EBI 1.15, Halo .93 LG 67988, FOM 2088.

These seem pretty comparable stat wise but theres a $200 price difference. Actually looking at the stats it almost seems like the tier 2 priced unit is better? Like whats the actual difference here and am I going to even see it?

I know buy once cry once etc etc, but that $200 saved is $200 towards an IR laser.

But theres another tier 3 priced unit with the following stats: SNR 34.2, RES 76, EBI 2.07, Halow .85, LG 68665, FOM 2599.

Between all three units, how much of an end user difference am I really going to see? The general use purpose is going to be shooting rifle from 10 to 200 yards at night, and fucking around in the dark for shits, and some minor stargazing.

website for reference:

Thanks all!