Wilds Is CPU-Bottlenecked Here's What That Means Seriously It's 2025

We've been in the Ray Tracing era for 4+ years, we've gone through the Cyberpunk fiasco, Starfield fiasco, DD2 fiasco, multiple freaking battle royales, went through a whole decade of open world games how do the PC guys here still not understand a game's problems can be CPU dependent?

Here's the common scenario, you guys keep asking: "why a 3080 here, a 4070 there, a 7800xt over here vary in FPS when they're all basically the same", "why can't my 3080/4070/7800xt get over 120+ FPS at 1080p", "why does changing my settings from high --> low not help my performance?"


Wilds is badly optimized no one's gonna argue there I'm just here to explain why nothing you do will cause any change. No matter the graphics you turn on/off the game has a minimum amount of stuff it has to simulate for the environment, for the players, and for the monsters and that stuff means there is a FPS floor everyone has dependent on their CPU. There are very few things you can do in the options that will lessen the load on your CPU in this unoptimized landscape.

In an actual gameplay scenario the guy with the Ryzen 5 3600/RTX 5090 is gonna have way worse dips than someone with a Ryzen 5 5800x3d/RTX 3070 because of this. Learn what 1% lows & .1% lows are and you'll see why a good CPU is so important rather than always going for the bare minimum.

Does this justify Capcom's product HELL NO but besides waiting the only solution is to upgrade and the more efficient/helpful thing to upgrade if you're years behind is most likely your CPU. This post is for all the people who are thinking of buying a new fancy 4070/4080/whatever it ain't gonna do jack in all likelihood unless you're below the minimum specs and running like a GTX 1060 or something. If you do upgrade your GPU your gaming performance for other games will be great, but for Wilds year 1 you're just gonna suffer as your FPS tunnels into the 30s when multiple monsters are together.

That's all I just really needed to get this out there because there seems to be an infuriatingly big misconception on how/why the performance is so bad.

Also to make this clear I guess because some people think I'm blaming the consumer no it's not your fault anything as new as Ryzen 5000s & Intel 10000s are fine CPUs but the CPU is practically the only part that matters here.