A Good Fit?

Hello! Apologies if this isn’t the right place for this post.

I’ve been wanting to get into a wargame for a long time, but there have always been a few things holding me back. The main one is that none of the people I usually game with are interested enough in them to commit—the general feeling seems to be “looks cool and sounds fun, but buying an army, books, etc. is too much of a financial investment.” Which is fair! That’s another reason I’ve never taken the dive, honestly.

I’m a big comic book fan and have been eyeing MCP on and off for years. Recently it’s been on my radar again and I’ve been thinking that maybe it would be the right fit for me, because—with its lack of rulebooks and the way Affiliations seem a little bit looser than Armies in something like 40K—it seems like I wouldn’t necessarily need my friends to buy in? I could just build my own collection and everyone else could borrow a handful of models whenever we wanted to play. Is that accurate? Would this be playable for a small group if only one person was buying models? Or are affiliations/cards/etc. complex enough that it won’t be very fun if the other players aren’t as invested in things?

For reference, this group plays a lot of different games together; I’m not worried about folks keeping the basic rules straight or anything, I’m just not sure how hardcore people will need to be about building lists and stuff. A regular game in our rotation is Marvel Champions, which works how I’m proposing here—I am the only one that buys it, but my friends keep fairly abreast of new cards and don’t really have trouble throwing together decent decks on their own when they come over. Would that kind of thing be viable with MCP?

(Also, it may be worth noting that I live in a very small town and as far as I know the local shop does not run any MCP events, so I don’t have a local community to play with if my friends aren’t into it.)