On Sylus's wings [warning: math, no story spoilers]

So, I was wondering how realistic Sylus's wings were for a fiend of his size.

We start with 2 clear pictures: his wings unfolded (fig.1) and him just standing still (fig.2). We know he's 190cm. With that, we can apply a grid of equal squares to assist in our work. On fig.3 we see that, while Sylus's legs in this pose are turned and slightly folded (fig.1), his torso is more or less straight. We can use it as point of reference to find cm/square for this grid. Fig.4 and fig.5 have measurements for Sylus's torso, which leave us with about 66cm. On fig.6 we see that for given grid, 1 square is about 26,4 cm. Finally, we can return to his wings on fig.7. Let's be generous and measure his wingspan from his back (point A) to the tip (point B). As it's just for fun, we ignore all the crevices and curves. To calculate the length of this diagonal we draw two straight perpendicular lines to create right square and use Pythagorean theorem to calculate that it's 13sqrt(2) squares long. From fig.6 we know the cm/square for this grid, so we can calculate that the wingspan is just short of 5m or about 2,5 size the Sylus.

Even if Sylus had the lightweight bones of a bird AND appropriately wide wings, he'd need something much bigger than 4,8m to carry his 1,9m body. Avian biologists (fig.9) calculated that, if kept to bird's proportions and anatomy, a human-sized creature would need at least 6m of wingspan. Sylus is not only bigger than average human, he also has unusually thin wings that won't create much lift force to begin with.

So, his wings are depicted badly?

Not exactly. You see, the impatient lizard floats in the air (fig.8) like some fish in water. Funnily enough, it means he's doing something to either keep himself constantly afloat or to keep himself lighter than air on this height. Maybe he has draconian version of gallbladder.

Anyways, if his flying ability is not related to wings, but to his ability to float, it means that his wings don't serve the purpose of lifting him and keeping him in the air, like birds, but are instead used to allow maneuverability in the air. So his wings aren't wings, they're air fins. Sylus is not a lizard, he's a fish at the bottom of ocean of air.