finally had sex, but had accidentally used aphrodisiac on people, i fucked up
I worked in Biongo labs, we were working on an zombie aphrodisiac drug. By some mishap one of the drug got leaked and everyone inhaled it. I managed to barely grab a mask, but everyone around me started evolving into sex driven zombies, they started eating each other and drilling holes in each others crotch and then fucked that holes, cummed so much that cum leaked out of all the sweat pores of the victim, this mutated cum immediately preganted everyone, even plants gave births to baby zombie plants with green big dicks. I escaped and went to Palakh Sir to ask for help, but he was already infected, his body grew big as the hulk, his dick piercing the floor, he jumped out and started fucking the ground. He cummed in the earth so hard, all the dead bodies got filled with his cum and rose back to life. They all came and started riding him, they started a cum rain on lord.
Chaos ensued, in the whole city, everyone grew mad and started fucking the first thing they see, as I tried to run away, I saw, people fucking each other, tearing each other in half. A street cook grabbed 9-10 children , cut their dicks and grinded them in a mixer and enjoyed the dick slurry. Each mutant newborn had dicks and vaginas in himself, they fucked themselves, more babies forming in their living bodies and exploded inside out giving birth to more mutant babies. UFOs appeared out of nowhere and aliens came down and got infected as well. Aliens started fucking each others and an extreme varient was born. He had braided dicks on his head, long nails as dicks and one large dick and started fucking the grounds, he cummed so hard, the lava in the center was replaced by his cum.
As an effect, Earth grew a dick and started fucking mars, then Jupiter, then Saturn, and Uranus and finally Neptune. The whole solar system got impregnated, collapsed in on itself with the fucking. Born from the explosion was a mega planet who went to the center of the galaxy and started fucking the Sagittarius A*. Tearing the black hole open as it cummed in it, pregnating all the other universes of the multiverse. Portals opened and all the sex beings from the multiverse merged into one. The sheer amount of cum released by him, had such gravitational force that, the multiverse collapsed on itself. Exploding into another big bang.