Hey yall! Update on the "Replacement for (blank)" Music videos! Somebody reuploaded all of the Lady Gaga MV's!
So, OP here, a while ago I saw that someone re uploaded the Lady Gaga replacement videos, someone unafilliated with the Lady Gaga label or anything official whatsoever, they said in the comments for one of the videos that they received it from someone, which either means someone downloaded them, or, they just scammed the uploader by downloading the original MV's and giving it to him, which to be fair, could perfectly happen, since the replacement videos themselves didn't differ at all from the original videos, in anything, not the quality, not the resolution, not even some clip adding or removing, just the good old music video you remember! Even though he said they were reuploads of higher qualities for the videos, this isn't true, since the videos already have had their resolution and quality improved in their respective time, so the question still stands, why did they do this? Not like theres some kind of anniversary going on for the 2000's major pop, rock, and etcetera stars.
I already linked the channel of the guy who re uploaded the replacement videos, who's real name is Jordan Francois, by the looks of it.