Good replacement for GSP500 - H6PRO, ATH-GDL3, or another choice?
Hello everyone, I have been using a GSP500 since early 2018 and now its earpads are quite tired and rough on their surface in long-time use. So far, I have found three options: 1) replace the earpads, 2) H6PRO (Open), and 3) ATH-GDL3.
Replacing the earpads is for sure the most straightforward and cheap way but if I go for a new headset option, I would like to hear your opinion about:
- Is there a significant difference between GSP500 and H6PRO in their audio quality? It seems their units are different according to the official fact sheets but I have seen a comment that H6PRO is just a renewal of the exterior of GSP500.
- If anyone who's tried both H6PRO and ATH-GDL3, how would you describe the difference in the characteristics of the audio quality between them?
- Are there any additional recommendations of yours to be considered? My specifications are below (bold is a must):
- Open.
- Less than $250. It's about the original price when I got the current one. Is it now less than $100? Aw :/
- Okay to use for general music or other audio purposes. I don't need a superior quality in listening to orchestral music, but it'd be annoying if everything I listen to becomes a cheap radio. I mean, at least comparable to my current one. Doesn't GSP500 qualify the okay level? Aw :/
- Good for people with a big head. I currently use the GSP500 at its widest span of the headband.
- Larger earpads so my entire ear will be covered, instead of "attaching the pads on my ears". As far as I've seen online images, ATH-GDL3 might be a bit too small for this standard though.
- Microphone, preferably some built-in function to mute.
- Wireless connection is fine if it has no appreciable latency for gaming (i.e., no Bluetooth).
One note is that I don't limit the choices to gaming headsets. e.g., If there's a good option despite lacking of specification (f), I'd consider it too. I appreciate your comments and suggestions.