Chapter 5 walkthrough (MAJOR SPOILER)

Made this because there were no walkthroughs and I struggled

◦ Screenshot 1: Slab pieces in ZArena

◦ Screenshot 2: Where to locate Lockpick and Diary 

-Diary Code is 564

◦ Show Alicante broken slab, he will give you a new one

◦ Alicante needs 300 figs, once given he will want his favorite pizza (Pepperoni and Sausage)

When completing his task he will allow you time to search his shop, there is a box next to his shop that has seeds, confronting him will have him close down his shop. Show important people.

◦ Next you will want to search Cicero’s shop, she will want 300 Zucchini (seeds will be provided)

◦ Search her shop and find her magazine, confront her.

◦ Searching Keh’s shop is important yet doesn’t provide lots, he will want 300 Artichoke

◦ Once you fall out of leads N will tell you to search ZArena and you’ll find her Diary, the code is 564

◦ Show Cicero the picture and Pizza cutter, she will give you a pizza slab

◦ Complete pizza slab and show Cicero she will give you the dough

◦ Show Keh the dough he will let you use his freezer

To use his freezer Buddy (Episode One) Will bring in a Panda, Bear, and polar bear. Screenshots show which bears you will need to invite.

◦ Once getting the last tool go to Keh’s and freeze the dough

Day 1: Half sauce, Half cheese, NO CUTS

Day 2: Add FULLY Figs, Artichoke and Zucchini, NO CUTS

Day 3: Freeze THREE times and make 8 slices

It took me from day 140 to day 195 if you need anymore support fill free to ask.