What do interviewers *actually* look for in System Design Interviews?

I have gone through the typical system design materials, the typical structure, did some mock interviews, etc. I think I am writing this post because the theory feels very different from the practical.

For example, the articles I read says that I have to cover Requirements -> Overall Architecture + API Design -> Core Components -> Specific Details. But a lot of the time, the interviewer would stop me halfway and is more interested in drill down into a particular issue rather than completing the whole structure. Or they would hop around - like I would be at Core Components and I have checked with them that my requirements and overall architecture is fine, but they would jump back on a particular issue on the overall architecture.

This interview type feels very nonlinear and whenever anything deviates from the typical structure, I panic that I won't complete everything in time, though I can see the interviewer doesn't really care about that. I also freak out that they ask clarifying questions, thinking that I missed something and that's a point against me - I don't know why but I get the feel that I shouldn't feel that way. So what are system design interviewers really looking for?