Shuriken Weapons are terrifying.
So, been an Eldar collector of for almost 3 decades now, since the tail end of the 2nd Edition, and despite my grumblings about various things over the years, still very much in love with the faction.
Something came up in conversation elsewhere today, regarding the weapons of Warhammer and how they generally relate to our perception of the horrors of war, and I realized that there is a sleeping terror that is so ubiquitous to Eldar that we don't give it a second thought. D-Weapons, Monofilament weapons, Neuroshock weapons, these are all known, but there's somethinf else.
Shuriken Weapons.
For those unaware, the basic weapons carried by our lightest of infantry are, in a basic sense, linear accelerator weapons that use a solid super-hard ammunition from which they sheer off molecule thin disc that is then hurled at supersonic speeds at anything you want dead. The basic Shuriken Catapult can fire hundreds of these in a burst of a couple seconds, giving them the approximate date of fire of a M61A1 Vulcan.
These are hard enough to cut through most conventional materials, rendering what we would consider military body armour useless, while also being basically invisible due to their monomolecular nature. And being supersonic, you wouldn't hear them being fired at you either.
Your first warning would be everything and every one around you exploding into confetti like a Halo grunt's head. A squad of Dire Avengers using these could turn a modern house into splinters in under a minute.
As a terror weapon, their perceived lack of accuracy would also work in their favour, as event longer distances your cover and everything around you would just explode into shredded debris like you were in a blender.
And that's on the SMALL end. Cannons fire invisible, molecule thin discs capable of sheering through tanks and cutting people in half.
Respect the Shuriken.