Why are all the hot white girls attracted to black men?
(18M) I have nothing against different women dating different men, let them be happy with whoever they want to be happy.
It may be a simple coincidence but literally ALL cute girls I had a crush on, ended up with either black or arab men. And trust me, as a guy that till this day is actively trying to get a gf, I had A LOT of crushes.
I started digging and I found a lot of street interview videos where a guy would come up to random women and ask on their sexual/dating preferences and black men were always rated above white men: manlier, better smoothtalkers, funnier, stronger, more endowed, etc. While white men were often described as boring, more feminine, weaker, shrimp-dicked, etc.
As I continued to consume this content, I began to agree with the folks in comments who say that black men are the reason why I can't get a gf. I started to look at black/arab men differently, like they are enemies, a threat to my bloodline, a threat to Europe's white population because they keep "stealing" all the white girls!
I soon started to realized that something was deeply fucked up about my line of thought and I'm trying my best to move on from this blatant internal racism. But everytime I get a crush on a girl just to then find out she is taken by some Mohammed, my inner Klansman is like "Ha! Told you so!"
I don't want to be a racist person but everytime this happens it feels like a salt to the wound.