Ledian is the worst Pokémon.
Yeah, that’s right, fuck this stupid ladybug looking fool. Everyone likes to rant and ramble about their favorites or least favorites and I’ve seen a few tossed around like Miltank or that ugly crab thing from Gen7, but honestly no Pokemon actually compares to how stupid Ledian is.
For starts, the design is utterly lazy. It’s common for any generation of pokemon to get complaints over lazy designs, I mean voltorb is just a pokeball, and waillord is just a whale. But this takes the stupid cake. Like, why are the eyes so big and flashy, it’s in my face and stupid.
Not to mention, it’s the worst early route bug type, I mean come on, you could use something awesome like the Scolipede line or sick like the Vikavolt line. I mean hell, it isn’t even the best bug in its own damn region! In comparison to something like Araidos, it’s even worse!
To add fuel to the fire, you can’t get it till route 37, meaning you will already have 3 badges, and what reason would you have to catch to stupid ladybug that has a shit type in Gen 2 along with low stats and generally being so useless in every metric.
You can’t also find this stupid pokemon on Route 2, you known in Kanto? The POSTGAME? Sure you can find its preevolution Ledyba on route 30, but who in their right mind would train freaking Ledyba?
At least you remember how bullshit Watchog is during Gen 5 playthroughs, or how annoying Paras is during Legends Arcues. Yet, no one remembers Ledian! Like, name the last time someone, anyone as mentioned Ledian in any discussion.
“Oh hey man, cool team you got there.”
“Thanks, Ledian really carries it.”
But that doesn’t count! I made that dialogue up in a mad rush because Ledian is so freaking stupid! Look at the GTS, you’ll find like five offers max since no one wants this stupid insect!
Hell, the only reason it can be used on the switch is because BDSP allows you to use any gen 1-4 Pokemon! Otherwise, game freak has no moral obligation to bring this nutcase back in a mainline game! I mean, it’s only exposure in a mainline game is in one of the laziest remakes of all time!
Despite this, when’s the last time you’ve even seen this stupid bug in a game? Take SM and USUM for example, you can’t even find a wild Ledian till the 3rd island! Why would you ever bother to use the worst and stupidest and weakest and ugliest Pokémon!
I just have so much hate in my heart for this freaking Pokemon, so much, like, I want to go to a forest and burn it down just to blame it on a Ledian because maybe a Ledian would do that! Who in their right mind would use this on a regular play through unless forced? I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone beat a champion and register a hall of fame with the Ledian line.
Because, really who would? You know they say everyone’s Pokémon is someone’s favorite, but I find that extremely unlikely with this bug, this freaking bug that nearly made me touch my BD save just so I could catch one for the national dex.
It is embarrassingly hard to even get one for the dex! Like, I don’t want to go out my way to play Crystal or silver one my modded 3DS just to get a single Ledian to transfer to home!
I still have more to say, like how Ledian has only been used by wait for it… one NPC in the entire series? Yes, this gen 2 pokemon that has been around for 25 years, only has been used by a single youngster in SoulSilver.
I mean come on! Thats how you know Gamefreak hates this asshole, maybe in Legends ZA we will get a Mega Ledian because an intern got drunk and accidentally made a design. Maybe in Gen 10, we will get a region based off… Turkey, and we get a new Ledian form? I mean, do You want that? Why should Ledian get a new form when so many cooler and better Pokemon deserve it way more!
Could you imagine, being a Flygon fan and having to watch fucking Ledian of all pokemon get a Mega? Or say, a Chesnaut or Durant fan? I mean Durant is cool, it’s a metal ant, that’s badass. It’s taking one thing, and merging it with another and making an underrated Mon that isn’t really useful on a playthrough even if it’s slightly cool for being one of few steel jig types.
It’s time, I’m done, conclusion, Ledian is the stupidest, ugliest, dumbest, stupidest, lamest, loser ever! I can’t stand Ledian, if there is only one Ledian hater left in this stupid world, it’s me!