I am so tired of "trauma" and "found families"
Literally every fucking movie nowadays has to be about a guy "confronting their trauma". It's so repetitive. It's literally just the "realistic panic attack" meme except for the entire plot and it's never done any better or worse in anything because it's all the same thing anyways. The only difference between [insert your fave] and "because singing killed my grandma!" is that Trolls decided to use the "singing" as its MacGuffin instead of some other arbitrary morally dubious organization or magical system. If he'd said "the Darkveld" or some other badass-sounding shit I know for sure I'd see tons of high-contrast gifsets posts captioned about how that scene "had them sobbiiiiiiiiiingggggg 😭😭😭 like-- there's NO way this is for kids"
The worst part is that this isn't even how people work like, in real life. I have met exactly zero people who have "found families". I see people who have friends! But literally no one has a friend who acts like their mom because this would be fucking weird and patronizing. This is a wholly fictional invention that just serves to handwave having to actually depict interesting dynamics. Oh that's the zany little brother, that's the stern sister, that's the stressed out dad. It's just anime archetypes but for CGI cartoon characters.
I guess I do sometimes see people talk about their "trauma" in the way movies talk about it, but guess what? It's also really obvious they're doing this because they saw it in a shitty movie! You do not do X because Y happened. You are not so 1-dimensional and simplistic that your life can be narrativized in this way. You know why half your personality traits exist? More than likely "because they just do". There is no one who can actually pull this apart for you. Obviously causes exist somewhere, but they're so innumerable and over such a long timescale it will almost never be obvious to you. And it shouldn't be obvious to the characters either!
I can buy someone going "I don't wanna touch snakes because one bit me a while ago", but I'm not going to believe that actually "Jasmine" is closed off and uncommunicative with "Elsebeth" because one time she had a relationship end after she revealed a secret she was insecure about. Much less that this happened and also Jasmine is like, cognizant and clearly aware of the exact series of events that lead to this behavior but is also mystically incapable of realizing "I'm being irrational about this and it is hurting my current situation".
God, every time I see a character blow up and then shirk back because they realize that their monologue was too bare about their "problems" I fucking cringe. Imagine if Luke went "Why are you doing this?!" and Vader said "BECAUSE MY INADEQUACIES MADE ME KILL YOUR MOM!!!". Christ. Except you also don't have to imagine because this is like 90% of writing.
tl;dr Breaking Bad was good because Walter's parents literally never appear