Why do most people in india fail to understand that there are no friends in geopolitics
I feel a lot of Indians... don't really understand that there are no friends or foes in geopolitical..and there is moral aspect to it as well...as much as it hurts me to say..I think a completely moral and utopian society simply won't work,as it is contradictory to the very idea of an anarchist nature.. and lack of understanding on how nationalism is a very recent thing .and during the maratha empire..there was no such as india..as there was no idea of nation state that time(first chapter in class 10th history)..
So we are india .. only because it benefits everyone in this country..and if it stops benefitting we can simply go and create a different form governance...a more advanced version of capitalism and communism..
I really appreciate communism.. despite not agreeing with it...is because someone thought of an revolutionary idea and people worked towards a better and a different world.. although it didn't happen
But why did we again stop experimenting?...richer countries will hesitate to experiment since they are benefitting from the current world trade supply chains..but india on the other and not so much
I think making people aware could be a great first step..I think ignorant people voting is a huge problem...how can you vote .when you don't understand nation building and how the world works?..
I think over information is better than partial learnings.. maybe in depth teachings should be mandatory for a lot of years..
My view for the future is that... stem..will be automated from research to all other aspects ..and decision making will be biggest thing a human could do...I would love to see a more matured, smarter, progressive india
These changes could help people see and make decisions which could benefit themselves and the country...and maybe india could try leading a world citizen typa stuff..ideas are crazy and there is endless possibilities... would love to hear your opinion on various ideas you have for the country or the world..and your optimistic view for the future