So pissed!

Purchased an AMG GLC43 after considering a Macan and an SQ5. Had a couple of Audis under my belt and wanted a change. Loved the power of the 43. Also loved the hybrid turbo. Loved the idea of an AMG.

Fast forward 60 days and he’s been in the dealership for 14 days because of a yellow check engine light. The cooling system in the car is fucked. They’ve replaced sensors. Drained everything and replaced. Now working on the water pump. They think there is debris in the system from production.

In other words? Terrible quality.

The problem? They have no idea what to do next. Everything has to go through Mercedes engineers in Atlanta and Germany. I’ve been calm. I’ve been cooperative. But now I’m mad. And MB is giving us the run around. So pissed.

This was supposed to be my dream car. Now I’m regretting every dollar I spent. Next stop? Porsche dealer.

EDIT: We have been in contact with the dealership management and MB USA. They will be buying back the car. As of today it's 15 days in the shop and they need to replace the engine and the radiator. The car has been deemed unsafe and not fixable, so it's rebuild time. We declined to retake possession of the vehicle and they were in agreement with that decision. Still disappointed but feeling better knowing they are working with us to make it right. Thanks everyone for your words of suport!